Letters, soundscribers, telegrams, memos, photographs and news clippings relating primarily to UNB matters. Subjects discussed: building fund campaign donations; scholarship schemes; selection committees; scholar, Nicholas Teller; opening of Somerville House (Fredericton, N.B.) as the law school; Dr. Rowses's visit to UNB; law, I.O.D.E., geology and nursing scholarships; budget, finances and grants; prizes for arts and science; sports activities; encaenia speaker; Goodridge Roberts' exhibit; progress on Lord Beaverbrook Rink (Saint John, N.B.); suggested honorary degree recipients (Louise Manny, Mrs. Frank Ross); request for a Lord Bennett portrait; success of law scholars (Alfred Landry, Peter Mockler and Robert Hughes); discussion of deficit with Cabinet; A.F. Trythall's death; campus visitors; records of Beaverbrook undergraduate scholars; (CONTINUES). (CONTINUED) Saint John Ambulance Association bursary; commonwealth scholarships; Canadian politics; naming of Thomas Carleton Hall; proposed establishment of a university at Saint John, N.B.; campus construction; rivalry between UNB and Mount Allison University for scholars; faculty and staff appointments; B.F. Macaulay's return; D.L. MacLaren's death; F.C. Manning bequest; dinner held Dec. 10, 1960 at Lady Beaverbrook Gymnasium honouring Hugh John Flemming, Senator A.J. Brooks and C.B. Sherwood at which Prime Minister Diefenbaker was guest speaker; extension courses given in Saint John during the summer; setting up of law scholarships by Lady Dunn; Colin Mackay's nomination as a director of the Research Corporation; opening of the Irving Refinery; Dr. T.S. Wheeler's (Professor of Chemistry and Dean of the Faculty of Science at University College, Dublin, Ireland) views on UNB's Dept. of Chemistry and the loan of paintings from the Beaverbrook Art Gallery to UNB. Mention is made of Beaverbrook's intention to build a theatre in Fredericton.